Sonny Black, i never picked a fight with anyone!!
I merely pointed out that certain groups were cowardly bastards, that is all ..
Why would a decent law abiding Roman Catholic want to support a bunch of people just because they kick with the same foot..
I think that America has now found out that terrorism is not fun or a noble cause for itself now!
And for the record i am a Presbyterian
This debate goes nowhere so lets just leave it at that
Don't make assumptions about 9/11 and don't make emotive, unsubstantiated jibes about 'cowards' in a deliberate bid to incite other posters.
You are Presbyterian, right? Okay, that's not a religion practised in England too much so you are either an Ulster Scot or an Ulster Irishman who's a wannabe Brit. Either way you are making too many cheap shots to be taken seriously.
I don't mind the Brits actually, men in tights, Shakespeare, tea and the Beatles who were the greatest Brit band of all time through grace of having three men with Irish blood flowing through their veins and all that. Embrace that, and listen to the wise words of Sir Paul McCartney...
Cos he was all about unity and love and even he as a Brit recognized the oppression of Ireland was a joke and that Ireland should be free.
You have probably seen the Departed and a few episodes of the Sopranos I get it, you wanna be a tough guy but the men in tights and the Shakespeare don't cut it so you gottsa come on here and trash the Irish.
I get it, I really do, but if I were you I'd just embrace what you Brits are, cos when you try and gangsta it up it just comes across as kinda lame. Look at this Brit trying to act like a gangbanger Just embrace what you are with the tights and the "Where art thou Malibu" bullshit. I like that. I respect that. But you ain't gangsta so stop tryin, it's pathetic man.
And listen to your own Sir Paul McCartney, even he as a Brit says it all, you were wrong and a united Ireland is right! You are on thin ice man, and you ain't kidding nobody with your BS. Peace for all the true Brits, the ones that embrace what they are, but stop tryin too hard, everyone knows the only thing tough bout the Brits is when you leave the teabag in the teapot too long and get an extra strong cup of tea

But enough with the gangsta stuff, it don't suit you guys, you ain't from the streets, just listen to your knight of the realm. Peace
