Originally Posted By: Toodoped
Originally Posted By: GaryMartin
Originally Posted By: thebigfella
The outfit in the 40 ' s is very ineresting, ralph capone was active in the 40 ' s but the info in scare on him, also I don't believe gusik was ever kiddnaped

BTW - I've been searching for info on Ralph Capone and I can't find much. Even looked in some FBI files and there's was very, very little info. I'll give it another try in a few days.

THeres a story that there was a little disruption between the gangs when Al went to jail and that Ralph played a major role in organzing them again.

During the 30's and 40's Ralph Capone spent a lot of time in Hurley,Wisconsin.It was the Outfits favorite place to relax,recreate,do busniess and hide.Maybe thats why theres not much info on him.

They had more than 200 saloons,brothels and gambling joints so Ralph owned alot of businesses over there.I even think that he died over there in a hospital,but im not sure.

I read where he went to Wisconsin, but info is sketchy. Didn't' know about all the saloons, brothels, etc. Thanks