Originally Posted By: thebigfella
When al capone was released from prison Wisconsin was his favorite hangout, that's where capone met with outfit memberers, al capone nephew once gave an interview saying he saw al capone sitting at a table with a bunch of outfit bigwigs and lots of food, al capone would also go to his mother house in chicago and meet with outfit figures there, there was actually coded messages over the phone leaving from al capones house to Chicago but the fbi never was able to decipher them, the fbi even interview his wife Mae capone but she wouldn't talk, after al capone was released from prison ralph capone was his messenger, that's y I don't believe guzik was kidnapped because al capone would never have stood for it

You could be right, maybe it didn't happen. I would agree that Capone would never allowed it, but in 1944 Capone was pretty much "out of it." Nitti died about a year earlier, and for the most part Ricca had been in charge for some time. Accardo was "subbing" for Ricca who got caught up in the Hollywood Extortion case. So it's hard to say about these things. And you could be right, maybe it didn't happen.