Thanks Giancarlo e Pizzaboy for the support
But if she did it...fuck guys can have her. As long as theres evidence to back up the conviction.
I agree with that 1000 percent. I couldn't care less about karma catching up with any murderer. But I still don't think we'll extradite. Just my gut feeling

Little Man, if the Supreme Court says that you have to redo the process, a reason, or rather more than one there will be also the Knox family hired a well-known public relations spending more than a million dollars to make the story of amanda
,the story that you americans like so much, the poor Yankee girl, innocent who must fight against an unjust system in a third world country.Guede only for the summary procedure was sentenced to only 16 years for complicity in murder and sexual assault by a judgment of the Supreme Court, First Criminal Division, dated December 16, 2010.For others who are in favor or against the extradition of Knox, and remembering that the real victim here is Meredith Kercher, that is dead, and no sentence will bring her the affection of his loved ones.
Here is the reconstruction of events.
" According to the reconstruction, Knox and Sollecito, on the evening of 1 November 2007, meet in Piazza Grimana with Guede, Knox's friend, who decides to join them for the evening. The three travel to the student's home, where her roommate Meredith Kercher,had recently returned after an evening spent with her british friends, immediately noticed her presence as the door of her room was ajar.
Knox and Sollecito exchange effusions and intimate tenderness, while Guede is in the bathroom, as found in the investigation. Guede, probably excited by the outpourings of Sollecito and Knox, would be entered into the Kercher's room, groped for an approach, but, in front of his refusal, he would taken violent behavior to groped to rape her.
At the cries of Kercher, Knox and Sollecito would joiny with Guede,in the criminal action, in that they would find an "exciting situation", so trying to immobilize with the threat of a knife.
The situation would have degenerated to the continued resistance of the Kercher. The Knox with the kitchen knife affects the victim in the neck, causing it life-threatening injuries, though the death takes place after a long and excruciating agony. The three defendants, immediately after the murder, to steal mobile phones, for fear of generating alarm from someone that call her no answer, devices that will be found in a ravine just a few hundred meters from the scene of the crime. The three head off in different directions, Guede in a nightclub , Knox and Sollecito at the Sollecito's house. The next morning the two attempt to erase the traces of the crime and then break a window of the house to stage a fake robbery in order to sidetrack the investigation "