Originally Posted By: Nice_Guy
To me what the Chin did for his last 20years was an embarrassment to the mob, they should of whacked him for playing that game, a real man would have fought his charge and not claim insanity just so he doesn't go to jail, u know real mafioso wanted him dead or gone instead of walking the streets pissing on himself, Whatta a disgrace. You know guys like Gotti and Scarfo were laughing at him in disgust, the guy became a joke.

I don't get why Philly guys are so hated on, they shoot, get shot, don't tell, Go to jail multiple times facing charges that can bring life sentences, some actually beat the charges and others get payed away and still don't tell, and they still smile laugh talk to the media and take pictures for Instagram lol these guys got balls.

Do I think they'll ever make money like Scarfo? Fuck no, but do I think that they can still make about 5g a week doing street things,for sure. Now a days you need to except making less but enough that your at lease saving a little bit! nowadays people making over a 100g a year are broke, you wanna know why? Cause the system is killing all of us that live off of 1 legit income, bills are outrageous, gas kills everyone, interest and everything else drains the working man so he's broke by the end of the month, so if you can make some tax free $ on the side without ending up in jail, god bless keep doing it. Everyone should and I bet everyone tries.

That's real talk right there my friend. Very well said.

"My uncle(Nicky Scarfo) always told me, you have to use your brains in this thing, and you always have to use the gun." -"crazy" Phil Leonetti-