All three of them were pretty big in the heroin trade and they were originally close with the so called zip faction. But that alliance was broken when the zips decided to go with the Rastelli faction during their push for power in 1981. Information on the three of them is sparse, but somewhat surprising is the fact that Giaccone was actually the most powerful of them until Sonny Red later superseded him in wealth and influence. Giaccone was for example part of a ruling panel when Galante was imprisoned in 1978. He was also the fastest one (of the three of them) who reached the rank of a captain after being made.

Giaccone came out of a street gang called the Comanches that terrorized the streets of Ridgewood in the 1940s and 1950s. He had a criminal record which included convictions for rape, assault and gambling. Later in life, he was the owner of Air Freight Haulage Company, a trucking company that did business at Kennedy Airport.

Trinchera was indicted (together with Sonny Red btw) in 1972 when they refused to give information on the Joey Gallo murder. Why exactly Trinchera and Sonny Red were picked up is hard to say. But I don´t think they had anyting to do with the Gallo killing. Trinchera was made captain pretty late, in 1980 when he took over Armand Pollastrino´s crew. So he was pretty fresh on the job when the three of them were slain.

Sonny Red had a reputation as a violent man. And before the books were opened in 1976, several NY Families put a claim on him. However, Sonny Red chose the Bonannos, perhaps because of his closeness with Lilo Galante.

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