Maybe the worst juvenile gang ever produced in the U.S. the 42 Gang out of the "Patch," or Littly Italy,section of Chicago became a source of recruits for the Chicago’s underworld.Formed mostly by crazy,ruthless teenagers,at first involved in petty crimes and later in bombings and murder.White gangs such as the 42 gang ,Grand Avenue Nobles or the Taylor Street Dukes produced some of the biggest icons in organized crime.

The 42's came from the patch on Chicago's West Side.In the early 20's these young criminals stole food from vendors,stole clothes and sold them on street corners, knocked over cigar stores, held up nightclubs and also stole cars.They were held responsible for about 80 percent of the auto thefts in Chicago at the time and they were just graduating into the big-time rackets.The 42’s used to sell cars at prices from $75 to $200 per car-Fords $75, Buick or Chrysler for $150, a Peerless and Packard for $200.They also used to do dirty work for big time gangsters.First they used to work for Diamond Joe Esposito,Joe Fosco,The Gennas and Jack McGurn and later for Paul Ricca and the Capone gang.In the early 20’s the 42’s had more than 50 members.

The 42's had a good getaway method with a car and their ability to "whip" corners on two wheels with fast speed.They were also know for raping a lot of teenage girls and sending death threats by letters and phonecalls.Six blocks from the 42’s headquarters,8 girls were raped in one year.During the early 20's the 42's used to do dirty work for the Genna's.In 1923,each week,the 42's together with the taylor street boys collected cash from bootlegers for the Gennas.When the war occured story goes that the 42's turned their back at the Genna's and did some of the hits on them.The gang was also connected with the Red Bolton gang.The two gangs were known for stealing and selling booze.During this period they started working for Paul Ricca and the Capone gang.Rumours that they also did the Torrio hit in 1925.Some of their headquarters were the Goldsteins Delicatessen,Mary's Restaurant or Bonfiglios Pool Hall and they all wore white fedora hats and were like a farm team for the Chicago Outfit.In the late 20's,the cops raided many of the 42's warehouses wich were filled with stolen goods and most of the members were arrested.Story goes that they were also involved in the Pineapple Primary.The name was given to the primary election held in Illinois in 1928. 62 bombings took place in the city with the help of the 42’s under the rule of James Belcastro.Also theres a rum,our that they were involved in the Granady murder,a representative in the 20th ward, was chased in his car and murdered.By the mid 30's,over 30 members of the gang were murdered or went to jail.

Here's a list of some the most prominent members of the 42 gang:

Joey Coralo aka Babe Ruth was one of the oldest leaders of the 42's.Joey used to take 10 dollars from every member,every mounth,in case of "hard times",for example to “fix” the cops.He was considered the king of fixers.Later his was shot and killed by the police.

Pete Nicastro another older member and a ruthless youngster.In March 1925,a car chase occured for attempted robbery,between the cops and Pete Nicastro and another 42.Shots were fired along the streets and later Nicastro and 17 other members were thrown in jail.Later he was killed by his own gang.

Sam Giancana,also once a leader of the 42's,was the best wheelman in whole of Chicago.He also did a lot hits for the old dons and story goes that he alsokilled some high profile mafiosi.He joined the 42's when he was 13.In the mid 20's he was a driver for Jack McGurn.On September 27 1928 a bomb explodes near the ice salon of Sam Giancana's father.Police suspected that it was a revenge for the murder of Edward Divis a gangster boss in West Chicago and suspected was Giancana.

Paul Battaglia,once a leader of the gang,during the 20s he did a lot of holdups and stickups in his life.He was also known for robbing stores.Paul also owned a saloon at 819 West Madison, where he conduced a successful bail bond business. In 1938 Paul Battaglia was shot to death.His murder was ordered by Frank Nitti because he robbed outfit joints.

Augie Battaglia was a good natured thug who during the 20s was one of the leaders of the 42's and was worshipped by the gang's younger members.Augie was killed in a shoot-out with police during the labor wars of 1931, when he was the leader of the 42's.

Frank Battaglia is best known for the robbery shooting of a pregnant women named Mrs. Maria Pelletier. The mother of four, Mrs. Pelletier refused to allow Battaglia to steal her purse and fought back. Battaglia shot her through the head, took her purse and fled by car with other 42 gang members.

Sam "Teets" Battaglia was a burglar and muscle man, who joined the 42's in the mid 20's.Sam was a good looking, huge teenager when he smashed onto the headlines in 1930, when he was charged with robbing, at gunpoint, the wife of Mayor William "Big Bill" Hale Thompson of $15,500 in jewelry and taking the shield and pistol off of her police bodyguard-chauffeur, Officer Peter J. O'Malley. He was arrested a few days later and released for lack of evidence.

Dominic Caruso,a boyhood friend of Giancana,in July 1925,Caruso together with Sam burglarized an expensive north side dress shop.THey stole more than 50 dresses and in the end there was a car chase.They got caught and sent to jail.Diamond Joe post the bond.

Mad Sam DeStefano,crazy since birth,on August 19th, 1927 Sam had a plan for some entertainment for himself and some other 42 Gang members.He and another member grabbed a teenage girl from a movie theater and brought her into a garage where there was seven other gang members waiting.They were going to rape her but minutes later the police broke into the garage based on a tip from a witness that seen “Mad Sam” cart the girl off.

Leonard "Needles" Gianola,also boyhood friend of Sam Giancana.It is rumoured that Needles did the botched hit on Johnny Torrio in 1925.

"Crazy" Patsy Steffanelli(or Tardi) was one of leaders of the 42's.In 1928, a number of 42's were arrested all over Chicago.Patsy,mad at the law,sent a letter to the chief of the police,wich stated "Unless you let our pals go, we'll come down there and kill everybody we see. We've got plenty of men and some machine guns."Several days later he was jailed.

Louis Clementi was a young but successful bankrobber.He robbed Chicago’s Main State Bank and The South Holland Trust and Savings Bank.

Frank Petitto,one of the best thieves in the gang,entered the gang when he was 17.He was known for stealing booze and preying on bootlegers.One day he was murdered because of that.

Diego Ricco also older member of the 42's.In April 20 1927 Diego Ricco killed a shop keeper as a witness in an upcomming trial.

Joe Pape,another ruthless member,in September 1926 together with Diego Ricco,Pape robbed a store and also shot the shop keeper.25.000$ bond was set and it was paid by Diamond Joe.

Joseph Muscato was known as the gangs extortionist.One day while taking extortion money from a store owner,he was chased by the police and was shot and killed during the process.

Frank Tufano was known for robbing VIP patries.Once he robbed a party and escaped with 150.000$ in jewelry.

Other high ranking members were: Rocco Marcantonio,Vito Pelleteri,Fat Leonard Caifano, Rocco Capra,Ralph Greco,John Bolton(brother of Red Bolton),Pete Gallichio

Other members: Marshal Caifano,Joey Sypher,Fiore Buccieri,Chuckie Nicoletti,Felix Alderisio,Willie Daddano,the other two DeStefano brothers,the English brothers Butch and Chuck,Albert Frabotta ,William Aloisio,Frank Caruso ,Joe Caesar DiVarco,Rocco Potenza,Vincent Inserro,Mugsy Tortorella,Joseph Perello,Paul Ross,Nick Maentanis Mibs Gillichio,Louis Pargoli,Carl Trosieillo,Albert Woodrick, Tumpa Russo and many more.

This short article is completed from various internet infos and other sources.

Mongol General: Conan, what is best in life?

Conan: To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their women.