so i guess i was the only rooting for Carl to die?

kid gets on my nerves!
Hey,the kid definitely gets on the viewers nerves in this episode...and I believe that was the writers intent. Think about what this poor kid has been through. He become a part of a post apocalyptic world, thought that he lost his father so he had to look up to Shane as a father figure, got his father back and was pushed away by Shane, got shot and almost died, lost a fellow friend in Sophia, saw her as a walker who had to be executed, had to mercifully execute his own mother after helping her deliver her baby, then had to step up on several different occasions to save his own father who he watched breakdown and crack, living with the thought that his baby sister is gone, and now has to basically take care of his father and nurse him back to heath.
I'd say that the kid has gone to hell and back....and deserves a pass.
Is it me or has Karls voice broken, he seems more like a man now. Good episode and good too see Micheone's back story.
His voice has broken. And I saw an interview with the actor who plays Rick and he specifically said that the intent of the episode was to show that Karl has become a man both in the Zombie world and as an actor in real life.