Originally posted by DonFerro55:
[quote]Originally posted by Greek Sicilian Mafia Don:
[b] how can any educated person like rap? it just does not seem clear to me
I personally don't like rap, in fact, I personally loath it. But to ask how people could possibly like it is very ignorant. Sometimes it's the simple beat or the lyrics. I have heard Tupac's changes and thought it was an excellent song. That's like somebody coming up to me and asking how could I possibly like the Beatles. You just do. I do understand to some extent what you are saying though, the rap music that promotes drugs and violence, should be ended because of some of the obvious reprocussions it influences. Pat will probably have more on this. It is definetly ok to not like a genre of music, but you must understand there are many different kinds of people with many different tastes.

Doctor Ferro [/b][/quote]GSMD--First off, if anyone's intelligence is going to be questioned here, it'd be yours. Rap is Rhythmic American Poetry. There hasn't really been any decent rappers, save for a few. There's a difference between bragging about money and selling drugs (Hip-Hop) and explaining the horrifics of America's battles with inner city problems (Rap). Feel free to ask any questions.

LBG--Did you like the Marshall Mathers LP? -Pat

"After every dark night, there's a bright day right after that. No matter how hard it gets, stick your chest out, keep your head up, and handle it." -Tupac Shakur