the last two posts just proved a Chris Rock joke.
Thread using the anti Italian slurs was disturbing..and Rock said..
"People use gay slurs.....and that was ok and people laughed.......used Arab slurs..and that was ok and people laughed....people use Mexican slurs..and that was ok and people laughed....then I cringed..cause I knew Blacks and Jews were next........THAT train is NEVER late"
When dude used the Italian slurs....I knew somewhere along the line Blacks would be used in the insult throwing.
That Train is never late...........CHOOOOOOOO CHOOOOOOOOO
Using racial or ethnic slurs online is so childish and cowardly...Unless you have the balls to say it in front of somebody and suffer the consequences, just use other choice of words.
Nobody seemed to mind the 'paddy' slurs on the other thread. Didn't realise it was even a slur, just the way we talk, apologies.
There's words for Irish, polish and Italians which were regularly used on the construction sites I grew up working on, didn't realise they were considered 'ethnic slurs'.
Unless you have the balls to say it in front of somebody? Jeeze, if I got offended everytime I got called a 'mick' I'd be

my eyeballs out all day long.
Apologies if I offended anybody but the Italians and irish I knew that was just the way we talked. Guess in 2014 things have changed if I offended anybody, sorry.