In its heyday the mob was feared by convicts as well as prison officials because of the fact the wiseguys could take the beefs outside the walls to the streets. That is a bygone era
The Irish and Italians used to stick together inside, not sure about the Irish Bluebird gang that set up the Aryan brotherhood from San Francisco, they probably couldn't give two fucks if you were Italian or not.
I'd say the Italians still do okay, though the Mexicans hate them on the west coast. The Irish and Italians on the west side of Manhattan, especially HK used to look out for each other according to my Uncle, but he only did a little bid for a drunken street fight. He moved from HK to Inwood cos we had money problems which was a shame cos a few years later that pad was worth a fortune still my family are back in Manhattan now, and I love Inwood though we got hit hard by the storm.
You're in Inwood now, Sean?
Big regret of mine: About ten years ago, we had a chance to buy an apartment building just off Broadway and 207th. I even had the Monsignor from Good Shepherd petitioning the zoning board for me but it fell through at the last minute.
Even in today's real estate market, it's worth about 7 times what we were going to pay for it

Yeah I had a place in Bedford Park 201 street for a while and even Bedford Park is up and coming but I am overjoyed to be back in Inwood now. Got a spot on Indian Road because a few investments payed off.
However recovering from a hernia op at the moment but thanks to my Uncle am only being given light jobs

We moved to Bedford Park during a downturn but the whole family's here including my uncle, my kid and my wife. You're welcome around for a drink anytime Pizzaboy maybe I can get you a deal failing that a couple of Broadway tickets for you and your wife

Hope you are keeping well though I could do with a place in Florida. You hear of any deals going let me know this winter has been hell
Having said that Inwood Hill Park's a gem