Nobody seemed to mind the 'paddy' slurs on the other thread. Didn't realise it was even a slur, just the way we talk, apologies.
There's words for Irish, polish and Italians which were regularly used on the construction sites I grew up working on, didn't realise they were considered 'ethnic slurs'.
Unless you have the balls to say it in front of somebody? Jeeze, if I got offended everytime I got called a 'mick' I'd be

my eyeballs out all day long.
Apologies if I offended anybody but the Italians and irish I knew that was just the way we talked. Guess in 2014 things have changed if I offended anybody, sorry.
I was just saying that once that slur throwing game two are three stops the train lands on Blacks.
the OTHER guy who used Black as an insult...saying that Irish are nothing but blacks turned inside out..
I grew up in a section of a city that had been Irish 40 years earlier and then Italian 20 years earlier..I played sports for the Police Athletic League and half the cops were Irish or Italian..I've heard the insult game back and forth , and forth and back.
And these are police in Newark,NJ we're talking about...REAL COPS....
real tough guys.....I've seen off duty cops tap another cop's jaw for saying the wrong thing and then the next week they are buddies again..
Anyway, when dudes are throwing slurs around...
I usually walk away, because if a person is sitting there laughing at racial slurs directed at others....nobody would take them seriously when they act offended when the slurs are directed at them.
Sean, you didn't offend me.....neither did the other guy..I've been there and seen that...just surprised that it only took one stop on the train for the OTHER guy to inject Black people into an Irish/Italian war of insults...
now JOKES are something else...a good joke is a good joke...ugly slurs meant to hurt people are not funny