A very disturbing episode.
My daughter gets to see it 3 hours before me & loves to call and tease me. THIS time she called and said she thought it was awful and didn't want to watch anymore.

I was surprised yet curious (I don't let her tell me what happened) as to what it was about. I was not sure what to expect. I totally agree it definitely was disturbing but I also think it was a good episode (if that makes sense).
Btw, remember Tyreese telling Carol about Lizzy and the rat at the prison? I remember the scene with the rat but wasn't quite sure what/how it was killed. Tyreese said Lizzy crucified the rat. OMG!!!

Disturbing yet a very good episode IMH.
Yes TIS, I understand what you mean about it being a disturbing episode and at the same time a very good one. It was well written and acted, no question about that. But for what it's worth I have a very hard time seeing a child being executed. While I understand that this was something done to show us how Carol has adjusted to the post apocalyptic world and basically did what she did to protect not only herself, but more for Baby Judith, as a parent, and as a human being, I found very difficult to digest when the episode was over.
Years ago I used to watch ER and enjoyed the show very much....that was until one episode when a family was in a car accident, the episode ended with a baby lying there and all you heard was the heart monitor flat-line as the picture faded to black. I was so disturbed that I never watched another episode of ER again. And truthfully, like your daughter, I was contemplating not ever watching the Walking Dead ever again when that episode ended last Sunday.
I will continue watching it because I realize that bottom line this is a fictional horror show. As you know I really love and enjoy this show, but last weeks episode was a bit over the top and in my opinion went a bit too far.
Side note : When Carol was telling Lizzy to look at the flowers, keep looking at the flowers, did it remind you somewhat of Lenny and George in Of Mice and Men?