John gotti was a legend , yes he made mistakes by making his captains meet at the ravenite once a week and he was brash and in your face , but he was exactly what the mob needed at that time after the drab mob bosses of the past , I loved his fuck you attitude . The Feds know who we are why should I hide under a stone . Ok he got caught on a bug and courted the limelight . He won't be the first or the last . People forget that the reason he. Was in the limelight was because at the time castellano was killed he was on trial for the romuel pichek thing , people wanted to get a look at the new godfather . The media sought hi out and turned him into a public icon , and as for the drugs thing , that was wen Angelo ruggiero's brother Salvatore died in a plane crash , he was a drug dealer and Angelo and the crew got into it cleaning up Salvatore's affairs . Every boss as profited from drug money directly or indirectly FACT , it's a case of don't get caught . John gotti was a mans man and stood by the oath he took , a lot can be said for that these days