I can't believe you fuckers are even discussing such fucking filth so many fucking scumbag whack job dirtball mutts In this piece of shit society. Funny thing Is people on here despise/judge wise asses but they're saints compared to the fuck faces who do shit like this. Dirtballs all over the place make porn films as stated above KILL FOR NO FUCKING REASON + all types of despicable shit. I fucking face palm when I read or think about this side of the vile human race It also lights up my wicked temper. Motherfuckers on here judging/snitching on wise asses when a piece of shit raped a 3 year old innocent girl and doesn't even get prison time. They should make a snuff film of that fuck face chop off his hands empty two clips In his dick + all types of shit while he's alive.
End of rant I need to calm myself down sekoms!