Originally Posted By: merlino
Al Sharpton is a racist bomb thrower and has been since he joined with jesse jackson, He started making noise with bernie goetz, when bernie defended himself ina robbery, and all the way to crown heights where he organized the beatings and eventual murder of a jewish tourist, so I am guessing all of this added into the feds looking at sharpton with federal charges of hate crimes and he probably cut deals that led to mob ties....sharpton is a piece of ship and one of the worst people in the US and is only looking to line his wallet on the backs of black americans and should be looked at only that, I am not sure of too many positive things he has done for america short of wearing a wire for the feds taking down the NYC mafia

I could'nt have said it better myself, nice post. He is a piece of shit whose a lot of things but i'll holdback from using any off-colored language