...too many commercials...
The commercials are good to break up the monotony! lol ...but seriously, you don't have a DVR yet?? Those interminable 2 hr shows (incl. The Voice at this point) can be seen in 1.5 hrs
And guess what? 2 more NEW shows are coming this Summer.

But sure, there's been no ONE to root for (for me), but I have a few I like. But as for Harry, I think he's the smartest of the bunch, and I could listen to him all night. Among ALL singing competitions, only Ben Folds (from "The Sing-Off") is as musically smart as Harry, and I'm talking every series, over every season. I welcome his technical criticism over all the "I love you" b.s. heard over and over again by some.
Having said that, I LOVE these 30 minute (less on DVR

) Results shows!
Top 7 - ResultsKevin Bacon does Ryan's short intro, incl. "This is American Idol"
Post Show Sliders video
Ford Idol Journey "Mustang for a Day"
Alex, Dex, Jena... Jena safe (My #7, their #1), Alex safe; Dex B2
CJ, Jess, Sam, Caleb... Caleb safe, CJ safe, Sam safe; Jess B2
B2 = Dex & Jess
OUT is..... Dexter (C'mon now!?!?!)... Dex exits singing,
ironically, "Lucky Man"