There are so many misconceptions about the so-called Second Gunman theory that I could spend hours debunking them,but for purposes of brevity,I would like to address only one.

If the wound on the back of JFK's head is really an exit wound,and thus proves that a shot was fired from the front of the motorcade,where is the evidence of a bullet hole in JFK's forehead,face,or other portion of his head?

What witness,autopsy attendee, physician,Secret Service agent,Warren critic,or any other source has stated "yes,I saw the President after the shooting,and there was a hole right between his eyes",or "JFK had a bullet wound in the middle of his forehead".

If you want to change the exit wound in his throat to an entry wound,then you're looking at a bullet fired from inside the limo,since the so called(and nonexistent) Grassy Knoll shot couldn't have come in at the angle necessary to go into the throat and come out in the middle of the back of JFK's skull.