Top 5 - ResultsRyan forewarns about a "shocking twist"
"Roundtable Recap" video
#FordIdolJourney ("Party")
Keith performs his new single, "Good Thing"
Randy's Reactions:
Jena - "amazing, killed it"
Alex - "gave everything"
Jess - "didn't have best of nights"
Sam - "interesting night"
Caleb - "turned the place upside down"
Here's the "shocking twist": The Idols have 2 options. Either, 1) the lowest goes home, or, 2) no one goes home -- but, next week 2 go home.
The Top 5 vote: No One Goes Home (3) vs Bottom Goes (2) ...NOT unanimous, so, going home is... SAM (?!?!??!!!) WTF??!!! I know he wasn't going to win, but he certainly wasn't the worst one left!

....Cheeks sings "It's Time" as he heads off....
Part of me thinks the Producers introduced this choice option to give Sam a chance (cuz they knew he had the fewest votes, but, also knew he was a draw). Either way, I've been saying "WTF?!" too much during results shows. I think Alex should win. Caleb is awesome, and up my alley, but Alex is the better singer (I just wish he looked the part more). Jess still sucks and needs to go (again). Jena has a chance because of her stage presence, not her voice.
In any event... I'll be in Florida next week, so will try and take notes. No promises about posting them in a timely fashion, though. I hate "typing" on laptops. It's not typing, it's "pecking" for me (tho I'm 65 wpm on a real keyboard!). lol