Originally Posted By: Irishman12
I've pretty much kept out of this discussion but recently it's been made public that the NBA owner's are going to attempt to vote to force Donald Sterling to sell his team. His wife, Shelly Sterling owns 50% of the team and she doesn't want to sell. LeBron James and Magic Johnson have both come forward to pretty much state that they want all of the Sterling's gone from the Clippers. Now, my question is, is that really fair? Shelly never made those comments and it just seems like guilt by association. If the NBA wants to run Donald Sterling out of the game, fine, I have no problem with that. But is it right for other players to say his estranged wife be gone too although (to public knowledge) she's done nothing wrong here!?

Like my first comment in this thread stated....Sterling's rant(#1) was consistent with some of the commets/actions that he's bee linked to in the past including housing discrimination lawsuit that he settled.

Unless I'm mistaken, his wife was named in the lawsuit and/ or some of the questionable actions linked to Sterling.

The idea that she retains partial ownership of the team gives the impression that Sterling would be circumventing the ruling that Commish. Silver put down.

Some of the attorneys on the site can determine whether she has legitimate 50% stake in the team. Would she have the same legal rights as a person or group that Sterling sold 50% stake in the team to.Does she attend/vote in owner's meetings?

I didn't think the Sterlings would go away quietly, but sports are about Americas coming together and Donald's involvement/connection to the NBA is hurting the brand