Originally Posted By: olivant
I don't know if it will premier this year, but Star Wars Episode VII has its cast:

I was at my grand daughters character day at her school don't ask me what character day is I don't know. They wear costumes and walk around the school a few time. My Mia wore a princess costume. While we were waiting outside they were playing the star wars music.

I told some guy near me I hate that music and then told him why.

I had three kids at the time have more now. They all wanted to see the movie star wars. My wife had to do something. I never took all three out at the same time before.

We get to the movies and they all in mind were being a pain in the ass.

So I said f ck this and brought them all home. My wife is home now.

I take Vic to see star wars. Then I taKe him home and take Stephanie to see star wars. Then I taKe Steph home and take Amanda to see star wars and take her home.

Now I fu k in hate star wars smile

Last edited by Footreads; 05/13/14 10:00 PM.