Originally Posted By: Faithful1
Thanks for sharing on Ansani and Messino. If you want to talk about being frustrated over the redactions, let me tell you about Frank Bompensiero's file. He was an informant and it's public record, so you'd expect a great file, right? Wrong. It was a small, thin file and almost every page was literally blank. Page after page of nothingness. Now, THAT is frustrating.

I know why they redact stuff and I guess I´m fine with that. But I suspect that they also redact stuff because the stuff might contradict a testimony, given by a witness in court. Especially if the testimony helped to convict the subject. And if that is the case, then it appears that requesting FOIA files is totally useless. Another thing that frustrates me is when you make a request on somebody´s files and the files are already out there in the vault for example, the FOIA people won´t go through another process of locating records potentially responsive to your request but will send you a copy of the files that are in the vault. Crazy when you think about it because the redacting in some of those copies were done a long time ago. This happend to me when I made a request for Galante´s files and the FOIA people told me that they would send a copy of the version that is in the vault. I said no thanks, because Galante´s whole file is practically all black! And ten years from now, people who are making requests for these same files, they will get a copy of a total unreadable file!

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