Originally Posted By: bigboy
How about that black senator from Mississippi who, this week said some racist things and called Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas an "Uncle Tom"????OK???

Heard most of the audio. The idea that disagreeing with Obamacare....or any of Obama's decisions makes someone a racist is ludicrous...and trivializes real racism.

The fringe element of people who just hate a Black man being potus are a small but vocal minority of people.

The element of people who would blindly follow Obama's decisions regardless of how they would be personally impacted is a small minority of people also.

Politicians know how to exploit people who already have their minds made up. Articles, stories and sound bytes will be seen/heard and then repeated VERBATIM by this element without examining/checking any of it out for themselves.

Thompson is from Miss. and that state has a very ugly history regarding all Americans being able to FULLY enjoy the rights of citizenship, so his read on things might be different than mine but one face value...I have to say he's talking out of his ass on the point about anybody opposing Obamacare instantly being a racist. Ninety % of the criticisms of Obama are STANDARD partisan politics and/or valid disagreements with his policies/actions.

Some of the "he hates America" stuff falls into category of politicos pandering to happily uninformed people.

Thompson's comments, at least the ones I heard..fall into category of pandering also.