Originally Posted By: getthesenets
Sterling is not suffering from dementia anymore than the "Chin" was.And if there exists any evidence that one of the symptoms of dementia is making clear and coherent comments about your views of other racial groups,I'd like to see it. His private comments seem to be consistent with some of the actions he's taken in the past.
He made the comments, he should own up to believing them. Let's at least agree on that.

If he made multiple prejudiced comments about Mormons, and owned a sports franchise in Utah..I think he'd become a pariah and the value of his team would sink. If he owned a club soccer team in Europe with heavy Italian fanbase and roster full of Italians and made racist comments about Italians, he'd become a pariah and there would be financial repercussions.

Modern NBA is a global brand with players from, and fanbase in...all four corners of the planet. Sterling is a pariah to the NBA brand. Silver did what he thought he had to do to protect the brand.The other owners will vote to remove Sterling in the best interest of the league,regardless of their personal feelings toward him or how this has played out.

I'm thinking of the fictional lines from American Gangster when the mafioso character was schooling Frank about order. "More important than any one man's life is order."

Again, you completely go off topic. Why are the two propositions you stated mutually exclusive? Why can't he both be racist and senile?

If you listen to other tapes, you can't help put come away thinking he suffers from a mix of old age and mild dementia. I spend lots of time with my grandmother at her memory care unit and I have heard more coherent things come out of their mouths. And they are serious cases. Some of his stuff, especially talking to the rapper about sex, had almost a wordsoup quality.

And the fact you think illegally recorded gibberish that harms nobody is more relevant than his actual horrific behavior throughout his life tells me everything I need to know. The league is full of people that actually harm lives, like having tons of kids that have no hope of actually having a father. Or violence against women in their lives. I'm also sure there are tons of creep owners engaging in the same sort of ugly business as Sterling. On the other hand I doubt any kid is at home crying themselves to asleep at night because a old senile fool was talking to his prostitute about his crackpot theories on life.

I never questioned why the NBA wants to throw him out now. PR wise it makes sense. But there is no substance here (unlike say housing discrimination)- But just people attempting to trump each other in the enlightenment and self-righteousness department. Sterling is a easy target. Talking about the things that fundamentally hurt people and taking action there isn't as interesting or as easy. We are a society of slacktivists with fake outrage.

Last edited by LittleNicky; 05/21/14 04:11 PM.

Should probably ask Mr. Kierney. I guess if you're Italian, you should be in prison.
I've read the RICO Act, and I can tell you it's more appropriate...
for some of those guys over in Washington than it is for me or any of my fellas here