How Important is the coach in football? Yes, the coach is very important.

At this level the players should be technically excellent in the skills of the game.

They should have very good football sense. Where to move when they don't have the ball and anticipation on how best to see how to attack.

They should have great vision of what's going on the field while they have the ball and when they don't have the ball.

So again how important is the manager really?

They have to put all the pieces together to form an attacking and defending game plan against each team. That can best lead to victory?

They also have to know how to reach each player physiologically to get the best out of them. All players are not the same you can't reach them all in the same way.

That carries over to the team in general.

However, can you think as a coach you are more important then your players I say no to that.

If you start thinking that way your not going to win. Your going to destroy any team unity that is there if you do.

What do you guys think. I think that is what is happening to the U.S. national team. They ave enough going against them in this world cup. They did not need this and the fault rests with Jurgen.

only the unloved hate