Anybody thinking of suppressing anything over a .380 and not attracting attention is just dreaming. Have you ever heard a silenced 9mm or .45? There's almost no point in suppressing them at all.
i'm no firearms expert, but when someone posts crap like this i can't take them seriously any longer and a few minutes on youtube would prove that. the caliber has little to do with the noise as long as the bullet is going less than 1135 fps. there would be little noticeable difference in the sound between the calibers you listed, with the only substancial exception being the action of the weapon itself, as the larger and heavier slides of the larger caliber handguns are naturally going to be a bit louder.
And to suppress any revolver is just stupid also and has nothing to do with getting a threaded barrel. It's very easy to tap out the end of a barrel precisely to recieve whatever thread diameter your silencer is. I've made quite a few silencers throughout the years and have put them to many different calibers and this is what I've found to be true.
first of all, you can't suppress a revolver as i stated before due to the gasses escaping from the cylinder gap. don't believe me, then i invite you to put your hand over the gap and fire, let me know how that ends up!

the only exception to the rule is the nagant m1895 revolver due to the unique cartridge and action of the revolver which pushes it forward before firing to close the cylinder gap. this was done to give the round extra velocity during a time when pistol ammunition was extremely underpowered, but seeing how that platform is extremely uncommon, it's a mute point.
so, you manufacture suppressors huh? you understand that's a serious offense right? furthermore, what do you mean by tapping the barrel? you realize that both the suppressor and barrel are threaded to allow an easy and tight connection, but i forgot you make them custom, shame on me!

do you use superglue or rubber bands to connect them? maybe you should just use a potato instead!
I love how people say that they are underpowered. Well, how about you set right in front of me while we take a ride in a car and let me dump 6-8 shots at point blank range into your skull and lets see how well you fare? You'll be a memory, plain and simple.
the reason people say that is because it's the truth. i have a 10-22 and even with the increased velocity of the longer rifle barrel, the gun is just a plinker. the whole "let me shoot you with it" logic is just lazy. let me stab you in the neck with a pen. just because it's potentially lethal doesn't mean i would choose a pen if i wanted to stab you, i would use something more appropriate.
the whole aura of the .22 as some legit assasination weapon is just the same old bullshit repeated time and again until some just view it as fact. we hear the same nonsense about how the israeli special forces and mossad use it all the time, when the truth is far from that. in the 70's, some of their air marshals were equipped with it because of the low power which made it much safer to use on planes for obvious reasons. they have also used both suppressed rifles and pistols in .22lr to eliminate pesky palestinian dogs during their human rights violating missions, but seeing how those bags of bones probably weighed less than 30 pounds for the most part, hardly impressive!