I think an adult can see what you are saying NNY89 - that these mob movies end with betrayal, murder, prison - nothing positive.
But just like children can be easily swayed by cigarette ads on television (this is why televised cigarette ads were banned decades ago), kids only see the "highs" of mob life in Goodfellas and Sopranos - the huge stashes of cash, easy beautiful women, hanging out in the social club instead of working 9-5. I'm just saying...these movies must be a big promoter of mob life to kids. I told my parents I wanted to be in the mafia when I was about 13 - this is when I first saw the sopranos. Shortly after this, my parents would no longer allow me to watch the sopranos.
Obviously there are multiple reasons the mafia stays alive and people still want to join them....but I think these movies/shows are one of those reasons.