Originally Posted By: philipbracci
Yeah John gotti I think turned a blind eye to dealing. I don't think he cared how a guy made his money as long as it didn't affect him. I was reading the 6th family and a rizzuto guy I can't remember his name but fat Joe Massimo had him whacked in the Bronx in 1999 I think. He was a main supplier to gene gotti and ruggiero. I'm just wanting to build the bigger picture of where their drugs were sol. like the blacks in DC. Be great if we could somehow document how the drugs were distribute and who to?

found some stuff.

B. Reiter II. In 1982 the FBI conducted a large-scale investigation of the activities of Angelo Ruggiero and his associates. In an application for a wiretap of Ruggiero's home, FBI Special Agent Donald McCormick submitted an affidavit in which he stated:
CS-1 [confidential informant] stated that RUGGIERO and JOHN GOTTI, approximately a year ago pretended to expel Mark Reiter from their crime crew, because Reiter was continuing to handle and distribute narcotics in violation of a Gambino Family edict prohibiting the conduct of narcotics trafficking. Nonetheless, CS-1 stated that Reiter continues to deal in heroin and cocaine and is being funded by RUGGIERO [and others].
CS-2 states that he has overheard a cryptic discussion between EUGENE GOTTI and another concerning the fact that Mark Reiter is still working for RUGGIERO. CS-2 advised that he heard members of the GOTTI-RUGGIERO crew state that Mark Reiter strictly handles narcotics for that crew.
8The investigation resulted in a multicount indictment, "Reiter II," which charged Reiter and ten codefendants (Angelo Ruggiero, Gene Gotti, John Carneglia, Joseph Guagliano, Oscar Ansourian, Gerlando Sciascia, Edward Lino, William Robert Cestaro, Salvatore Greco, and Joseph LoPresti) and an unindicted coconspirator (Salvatore Ruggiero) with conspiring in violation of 21 U.S.C. Sec. 846 to distribute and possess with intent to distribute heroin in violation of 21 U.S.C. Sec. 841(a)(1) (1982) in the Eastern District of New York and elsewhere from February to June 1982. The indictment also charged Reiter's codefendants with other narcotics offenses, racketeering, and obstruction of justice in violation of 18 U.S.C. Secs. 1510, 1952, 1962(c) (1982 & Supp. IV 1986), and 21 U.S.C. Secs. 841(a)(1), 843(b), 846 (1982).
9In a post-indictment application to secure handwriting exemplars, the Assistant United States Attorney wrote:
The Government's theory at trial will be that the delivery of the heroin from ANGELO RUGGIERO to MARK REITER was effectuated by SALVATORE GRECO through a "pickup man" and close associate of MARK REITER, SALVATORE CORALLO who had previously delivered 1/8 kilogram of heroin for MARK REITER to Thelma Grant on March 13, 1982.

Evidence at the aborted Reiter II trial included a recording of a June 13, 1982, conversation in which Ruggiero told Gotti that Reiter would receive a large quantity of heroin if he purchased it with cash. Also admitted was the recording of a conversation that took place five days later, in which Ruggiero and Gotti discussed the distribution to Reiter of a portion of eight kilograms of heroin Ruggiero had obtained:
ANGELO RUGGIERO: I'm trying to figure out. I'm all confused. I just picked up eight things. Picked up six off them guys. (UI) [unintelligible]. Give one to, I'm giving one to Zeke tonight, and one to Jew Boy.
GENE GOTTI: You got eight?
ANGELO RUGGIERO: (UI) one more, yeah.
ANGELO RUGGIERO: (UI) took two off Eddie (UI). Uh, Jew Boy ordered one, cause (UI).
21On June 23, 1982, Federal Bureau of Investigation ("FBI") agents arrested codefendants William Cestaro and Salvatore Greco after observing Cestaro give Greco $149,680 in return for four bags of heroin. FBI agents searching Greco found a business card with a notation indicating the sale of the eight kilograms, including one kilogram to "M" and a card bearing Reiter's fingerprints and the notation "call/6 p.m. Sal 392-2585," which corresponded to Salvatore Corallo's telephone number.