Originally Posted By: Skinny
Vinny Artuso and his son split his crew after he got put away. Artuso had so much juice he became the family's point man in fla after jojo corozzo got convicted in the 90s.

They're both at Coleman now with my pal, Skin. Which is shocking because the Feds will usually split up a father and son in a case like theirs.

Johnny gets out next year, a full year before his father. He's going to stay in the real estate business. Guaranteed. And when Vinnie does comes home, he's going to have a lot of restrictions from what I understand. I hope he retires. I really do.

Originally Posted By: Skinny
PB I sent u a pm bud

I replied.

"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.