Wow!! Really happy to be here guys. Loved reading about the US underworld (particularly pre-1980's LCN) since I was a kid. My access to material was pretty limited then, but in the past few months I have picked up a few of the books mentioned on this thread, and have several more on the way after reading some reviews here.
The Last Mafioso - My first book about the Mafia; re-reading it again now and still enjoying it. Lots of side-stories that kinda seem pointless (Sinatra drove my car)but will always be one of my sentimental favorites.
Wiseguy - I saw Pileggi on the Today Show promoting the book and got it ASAP. Great book in general but story is boring - obviously never a made guy (Hill) and heard lots of stories afterwards that I don't recall being in the book (Vario sleeping with Karen) and then plenty of 'conflicting facts' from HH after his 'fame'.
Casino - I like it better than Wiseguy but ordered The Black Book and the Mob after someone here recommended it to get a better picture of that era (one of my favorite).
Five Families - just got it recently (last 3 months) and use it as a encyclopedia of sorts...will read it cover-to-cover soon.
The Outfit - Started reading this (great history of Chicago 'underworld' before the fire) but put it down when some other books came in....will get back into it and use as reference
The last Testament of Luciano/
Lucky Luciano The Real and Fake Gangster - reading these at the same time to cross-reference the tales...Luciano's version (or is it??) and an independent 'historian'. He is the all-time greatest (IMO) and both are keeping me very interested.
I don't wanna get whacked on my first day for runnin' my mouth too much so I will not go into the books I have on the way, but as I read them I will contribute my two cents.
Again, very glad to see this forum is as active as it is and looking forward to learning more about my favorite part of American history.