I'll add one story that I think is kind of revealing about my dad.

I spent my 30th birthday in the hospital, having cancer surgery. I was released from the hospital a few days later (it was the same day that Ronald Reagan was shot). My parents came over to my house to see me and my dad came into the bedroom to talk to me. We never really had close father/son "talks" because neither of us was made that way but I know he loved me (and my siblings) as much as is humanly possible. He couldn't stand to see his kids in any kind of pain or trouble and as he asked me about the cancer and what was going through my mind I could see he was getting emotional. He asked me why I waited to go to a doctor and I answered him honestly - I told him I was afraid. He just about lost it then. It was at this time that I announced I was starved ---- a few of my friends sent over bags of reefer for me and my ex so I'd be in less pain. Well, one of the side effects of the grass was getting the munchies and I was craving Chinese food. My dad, in his best Augie Doggy and Doggy Dad voice said, "My son, my son ... he wants Chinese food, he gets Chinese food". He went out and returned about 30 minutes with two HUGE shopping bags full of Chinese food from my favorite restaurant. It was his way of telling me he loved me.

(BTW - I ate so much food that my belly expanded - right near my surgical stitches - I was in PAIN, but it was exquisite pain. LOL)

I miss my dad.
