Originally Posted By: Snakes
I also posted this in the charts thread but what the hell, it can go in two places.

I have been working hard for the last couple of weeks on a chart for the Outfit during the Giancana era, c. 1957-1966. I do not claim 100% that every individual listed on here is made, but I do believe that it is, for the most part, fairly accurate. Additionally, I did not intend to list every made guy or every purported made guy from this time period, only the ones who were the most active and had the highest status, with a higher emphasis placed on activity. I believe I ended up with 75 total, discounting associates. You will also see a little graphic posted with the chart - consider it a "key" of sorts for some of the information contained on the chart.

Some members here, particularly Toodoped and funkster, provided suggestions on additional names as well as various crew and function information. I also put to use FBI files, old Chicago Tribune articles, and available primary and secondary sources, as well as information from this board and others. Ancestry.com was a great help in finding birth dates for some of the lesser known members.

Please feel free to comment or question, after all, this is a message board:

[Too view a larger version of the image, right click on it and select "view image"; you can then use the magnifying glass to see it at 100%]

Bravissimo Snakes.Nice pictures by the way cool

@GaryMartin thats some cool info about Ferraos life style

Mongol General: Conan, what is best in life?

Conan: To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their women.