I said alienate not differ. Having different view points is fine, everyone does, but Moore seems to think it is ok to become rude and offensive when others do not share that view point.
Also I never said whining, I said winning.
Don't tell me that the people who want out of the war are the only ones who value human life. I hate to say it but, that shows your immaturity right there. People who don't agree with your points of vieww don't value human life? Right. I think you forgot how many of my family and friends are in the military so dont even bother telling me I don't value human life. These aren't humans to me, they are my family. Don't try to trade your set of standards for mine.
As for everyone who wants out of the war? Aren't they the same people who were claiming that we need a good exit strategy. Just up and leaving will not solve anything. Why don't we let the Military Officials decide how to run the military and let Moore make his movies.
I'd love to right more but I have to get to work. Thanks for the debate.