Originally posted by DonFerro55:
[quote]Originally posted by DonMichaelCorleone:
[b] [quote] We differ in opinion and I've decided never to accept Bush. Never.
at least we are well on our way to uniting the country :rolleyes: [/quote]My point is this. I will not roll over and accept Bush's new plan(which he outlined yesterday) if I don't agree with it. Would you want to get used to kerry if you did not agree with him?
JJ and Apple,
Yeah. Better watch out. Here comes the Doc. Thanks for the careless comment "El Presidente(?)" Ha
Doc [/b][/quote]You don't accept the plan? That's fine. But why is that? Could it be that the left is so prejudice against Bush that they refuse to even try and work with him? What good do you think your stance will serve, other than to agitate yourself?
I see you didn't read my Canada post waaaay back in the Political Scandal of room 325 thread.
If you can be a doctor without merit, I can be the president of Canada.
El Presidente