Well, homosexual or not, as Bob Dylan once pointed out: "Everybody must get stoned."
I'll bet Bob saw a butt crack or two in his day. But hey, it was the '60s, man

Haha I read a very old interview with Bob Dylan where he claimed he was a male prostitute in NYC when he first arrived.
This is the quote that I found for it.
http://www.buzzfeed.com/rosiegray/7-things-bob-dylan-did-that-are-worse-than-what-joIn a 1966 interview with New York Times reporter Robert Shelton, Dylan said:
“Sometimes we would make one hundred a night, really, from four in the afternoon until three or four in the morning,” he said. “Cats would pick us up and chicks would pick us up. And we would do anything you wanted, as long as it was paid…I almost got killed…I didn’t come down to the Village until two months later. Nobody knew that I had been hustling uptown.”
The story is thought to be false, and Shelton is the only journalist Dylan said it to.
No I don't believe it. But that's because at times Dylan hated the media and would get drunk or high and have fun with them.
A friend of mine I've known since highschool for more than a decade and I both like early Bob Dylan interviews since they're hilarious to read.