Originally posted by DonFerro55:
[quote]Originally posted by DonMichaelCorleone:
[b] [quote]Not when one party controls everything
But that is how the American people voted. You can hate Bush all you want, BUT you can't have it both ways. You can't criticize Bush for not being a uniter in one breath and then say you don't accept him as President in another.

If America liked the way the Democratic party wanted to take America don't you think they would have at least GAINED seats in the Senate and House?

Just think of my hate being like your hate for Michael Moore. It won't change unless the person you hate does something to please both sides.
except nobody elected Michael Moore :p but seriously, I think the problem is that what the left wants to "please both sides" is to just have things they want passed.

For simplicity sake: Republicans are against Abortion and want it to be illegal, Democrats are for it.

I hear all these people saying well if Bush leaves abortions alone I guess I can start to accept him. But what about the Republicans who want it banned? If Kerry was elected and Republicans started pushing for a ban, we would be told Kerry won and its his decision.

I'm not as worried about the country being divided as I am about the power Bush now has and his plan for the next 4 years.
only 2 years guaranteed. But once again this is what the American people wanted.

I hope you are not a DIE HARD LIBERAL, because if you are you are not going to be happy with the Democratic party over the next few years. The plan they had didn't work, they will go back to the drawing table and try and form a different platform.

The democratic party that Kerry ran for and the One that whoever runs for in 2008 will be ALOT DIFFERENT

Do you understand what I am SAYING!?

I don't like Republican(mainly Bush's) ideology. Now that republicans control our government on all levels...I AM ANGRY! I DO NOT WANT TO ACCEPT BUSH! GET IT!?

I will do everything in my power to make sure a man like Bush never shows his face in DC again.

I UNDERSTAND WHAT YOU MEAN ABOUT THE ISSUES BEING SPLIT! But now that Democrats have a smaller voice in the government, I am VERY upset. I'm not happy and telling me to get used to it won't solve anything. I will fight George W. Bush until he brings everyone to the table, or resigns. PERIOD! Now lets get off this subject.

Doc [/b][/quote]wow you just showed me alot there.

"You gave your word, I never gave mine"