Originally Posted By: Yogi Barrabbas
I could tell a thousand stories about my old man. He was a real character, my best pal and even though I love Fathers Day with my kids I always have a sad moment missing him. Here is a memory of him which always makes me smile.

Most here know that although I am English me old man was Scottish and therefore nearly all of my immediate family are as well. So we were at a family wedding many moons ago when I was still pretty young, early teens, and one of my cousins brought along her new boyfriend who with a drink or 3 in him thought it was hilarious to start mocking me for being English and all that sort of stuff. This went on for a while, me ignoring it, my folks ignoring it and this prick getting louder and more obnoxious. Finally my pops leaned over to this chap and said "That's enough, he is my son. You have had your fun. Stop now!!"

This bloke took this as hilarious and continued along the same vein, getting even louder. Approximatley 2 minutes later my old man stood up leaned over the table, punched him in the nose and knocked him clean off his chair onto his arse, blood everywhere. " I fucking warned you!!" he said.

There was a massive uproar in the family at the time, but my pops never apologised and told folks he wouldn't. When I told him I had been alright with it he laughed and said "I was waiting for you to sort him out but when you wouldn't I knew I would have to do it for you!!"

I told him the bloke was at least 10 years older than me, a fully grown man he said "Aye so????" and added "What am I going to do with you son"......

May sound crazy but I love that memory (and a few similar)

RIP Pops. Miss you, love you!!


I can imagine how that memory sticks in your mind. Thanks for sharing. Btw, do you ever see the guy your father hit? Wonder if he remembers. LOL


"Mankind must put an end to war before war puts an end to mankind. War will exist until that distant day when the conscientious objector enjoys the same reputation and prestige that the warrior does today." JFK

"War is over, if you want it" - John Lennon