Of course you are response worthy. The point was just that, in comparison to other people on this board, my honest opinion is that when it comes to politics, you are too blindly skewed to be rationally considered in some cases.

Anyways...here we go.

You may think us Liberals(or just me) are a joke to the sanctity of BB Boards everywhere.

Not all liberals. Mainly the people who are so unrealistic and/or ideological that their points are chronically flawed.

You may think I am ignorant or silly.(among the many things you have called me)
Only your political opinions.

You may think I am destructive twoards our current focus of reuniting the counrty.
Pretty much. Not that you have much influence, but out of many, one, as they say.

Bush is not re-uniting the country.
Well, he still has to finish his first term before W2 begins in January. It's only been 3 days. Let's not jump the gun.

the majority does not like the current direction we are headed. Statistics prove this.
That makes no sense. Then why would people vote for him?

Oh wait, I'll fill in your most likely answers: scare tactics, republican terrorist propaganda, and a weak democratic presidential candidate.

I honestly think that is fucked up.(Hence the 59,000,000 dumb people)
That's pretty funny. Again, basically this is what I spoke about in my initial post.

Democrats did not just want knew leadership, we HATED the old leadership.
Your party, or rather, loose collection of Bush haters, couldn't get the job done against an incumbant. Probably how we republicans felt after Dole's loss in '96.

Bush wins and we are told to get over it and play fetch.
Bush wins and you are expected to cut your losses and get your elected officials back in congress to do their jobs.

You can not tell me I am unworthy of debate.
Not in so many words.

I am more than worthy of debate and so is anyone else. If you choose not to respond to my posts, then fine.
We'll respond. We just want you to know our feelings.

but more and more I have bad feelings about you and others on this board for all the reasons TIS so ingeniously stated.
That's your prerogative. I'd much rather have genuine dislike for people I can talk to in real-time, in real life, as opposed to people on a message board. But if you derive your antimosity from the BB, I wish you well.

I do not agree with this President at all. I do not agree with his actions. I do not agree with how, I FEEL, he is misleading the country. I fear for the citizens of the United States, including myself. I will do everything I can to keep, what I feel, as the Republican Brainwashing Machine at bay.
Okay...so basically you refuse to compromise. Radicals usually get tossed into a bin of obscurity, just do you know.

And the Republican Brainwashing Machine? Ha. If anything, it's the socially liberal media that is attempting to sway the American people.

In Retrospect: I Will Not Go Away!

Said the churchmouse to the amplfied choir.

I want a better America and I will fight for it. Bottom Line.
Good for you. But forgive me for feeling your interests are not in the interests of the many, but of the few, and not for the common good.

In my opinion, Dubya, you're days are numbered until justice prevails.(as he so eliquently put it in his 9/11 address)
Yeah. Take 365 x 4, and you've got it!
