Just been over on the real deal forum and a lot of people r saying vinnie jnr basciano has his button ?? Apparently there saying that informants including Dominic cicale have verified this ?? Wots your take on that pizzaboy ?? U were saying that none of basciano's sons didn't have there button and to be honest I would take wot u said as read
I posted what I posted and I stand by it. Those kids grew up with my daughters four houses away from me. They're not made. These assholes on these sites make me laugh. Never met a real wiseguy. Probably never even been to New York. Yet they love to make believe they're "in the know" about things. The Bascianos have been through enough. Why won't these Internet mob geeks give that family a fucking break?
Vincent was proposed years back. But it never came to be because his father was indicted before they could straighten him out. If anything good came out of what happened to the father, that's it.
That's my story and I'm sticking to it
