It's like the ending of an episode of "CSI Miami." Even the most hardened career criminals give Horatio a full confession in the last five minutes of the show

Exactly. It had the same level of incompetence as the Nicodemo hit:
first, they find a body with a cell phone near it and track the phone call. They arrest the last person the victim was talking to and ask him about the murder. He doesn't say anything or says he doesn't know, something like that. They insist by asking the same question and he immediately says: "ok, it was a hit. My boss asked me to find somebody to bump this guy off because he was badmouthing our club after being fired". So he gives up everyone involved, takes part in a sting operation to record on tape the ones who gave the order, and at the end he gets the longest sentence of them all after the trial, while the hitman only gets several years for conspiracy to commit murder even though he pulled the trigger.
If they made a movie out of this, there is no way they could have kept it serious without changing the story, really.