what was the scriptural basis for Mormons believing that Blacks were demons/devils? and how was that Mormon doctrine reversed?
I'm not sure about Mormonism, Gets. But most people who use the Bible as an excuse to hate dark skinned people usually refer to the "Mark of Cain" in Genesis.
Of course it all stems from a poor Biblical translation. But any excuse will do for some people, right?
Thanks, pizza.
Ivy knows what I'm getting at though. An interpretation of a passage is one thing. Explicitly saying that Blacks are demons/devils as part of the doctrine/belief system is something else.
My cousins told me that Protestant missionaries used to go to Haiti and teach the mark of Cain nonsense to a country FULL of Black people, and have the Barry Gibb looking image of JC in tow. The entire full court press of propaganda.
Your attempt at diversion is rather apparent but I'm happy to answer anyway.
never been Mormon doctrine that blacks are demons or devils. They've always been seen as God's children. What you're likely referring to is black males not being able to hold the Priesthood until 1978. That's when the prophet of the Church at the time - President Spencer W. Kimball - received a revelation that allowed all worthy male Church members to hold it. I point that out because it obviously doesn't jive with the claim by enemies of the Church that it somehow caved to social pressure. If that was the case, it likely wouldn't have held out so long.
As for the ban itself, and the reasons for it, there is scriptural basis. It has it's origins in the mark and curse set upon Cain but those few verses in Genesis don't explain things very well. Of more clarity is a passage found in the Book of Abraham (Pearl of Great Price) chapter 1 verses 21-27.
https://www.lds.org/scriptures/pgp/abr/1?lang=engYou can also read a recent statement by the Church on the issue below.
https://www.lds.org/topics/race-and-the-priesthoodIn sum, I would tell you or anyone else what I would tell people while I was on my mission in Atlanta. If they had a problem with the Priesthood ban, I would ask them "Do you believe the LDS Church is God's Church and has the Priesthood to begin with?" If they said "yes," I would say that should be good enough for them and to trust in God's will and time table. If they said "no," my reply would be that by their own admission the Church doesn't have the Priesthood and so has kept nothing from anyone. It's sort of like the Jews who get uppity about Church members doing baptisms for the dead for their relatives. If they don't believe in the LDS Church, then our baptisms for the dead have no effect whatsoever. So they really have no reason to protest. And yet they do. What are they afraid of?