Originally Posted By: JoeEBrown
I have several pictures with unknowns. I've been asking around but nobody seems to know. Hot Springs photo is actually a postcard with the date on back but the year is obscured by the mark where it was attached to a photo album.None of em appear to be too happy about having their photo taken. I don't know about you, but if I saw those three in Hot Springs, the last thing I would do is take a picture of em! Here are a few more pics. The Accardo Cerone Ricca Aiuppa is my parents wedding. The women are Angie, Joey's wife, and I think the other is Clarice Accardo. I'm sure that can be confirmed by someone on this site. The other group photo I think is Tony Caps daughter's wedding? I don't know the man in the middle he seems to be somebody. Second from right looks like Frankie LaPorte but I don't know. guy on far right looks a little scary. I'd love to know more about these guys... Next, Uncle Joey and Auntie Ange. She was somethin'! Brassy, took no crap from the guys. I remember her yelling at the boys for letting me sip a drink from Joey's glass when I was about four years old. Last is Ansani with? John Binder,local mob expert, thought him to be Joey Obrien but he really looks a lot like Uncle Red, the railroad guard who married my grandmas sister. That's really about all that I know. My dad was never involved so he knew very little. One more anecdote: When Joey got out of prison in 96 I think it was, my dad went to visit him several times. On the last visit he picked up my grandmother, who outlived them all, and the three drove around for a couple of hours. What a scene that must have been! Thanks for letting me share. I'm sure the boys are spinning in their graves over my big mouth but I really don't no nuttin".

The same photo of Clarice Accardo is used in this documentary(forward at 2:11):


So maybe thats her.Btw very cool photos and thanks

He who can never endure the bad will never see the good