Originally Posted By: NNY78
Wondering what other folks opinions are on this. As bad as some of these black hearted guys are I find my self rooting for them to not get caught and when they are finally brought to justice for them to beat the charges and all the while finding what they do to the lives others, especially their families, despicable. I guess part of it is that I'm not fond of the tactics used by law enforcement and the hypocrisy by the government which I find to be very corrupt in its own way. I have to say when these guys beat the FBI/Courts it makes my day. Say what you will about these guys but many of them have a ton of courage,too bad it is so misguided.

I'm the same way, my thoughts exactly. Why I feel that way, I don't know. But I know this because I grew up and played ball all my life and most of my friends were kids from the streets, ghetto whatever you call it where your from. I wasn't in no way rich, wealthy or spoiled.....I happen to be lucky enough to have a maybe slightly below middle class upbringing with lots of love, not a lot of money or material things but my dad was always there for me. So I was lucky in that way. But a lot my friends, man they had nothing to go home to. I remember my dad and me would go get pick up my friends for practice and games and I'll never forget one day after a game we dropped off a friend of mine at his house in the hood and his dad was out front drinking with his friends and my dad hollered at him and said, "your boy played great, you should be proud of him". And his reply back was, "y'all can take him with u if you want, he ain't nuttin but bad news". Now some of that maybe was tongue in cheek but I mean his son was playing five miles away and he didn't give a shit.

So the reason I root for the bad guys is I truly believe that when your situation is shitty and you don't have anyone that cares about you it's almost essential to find someone you can run with, someone that has your back and a lot of these kids did what thy had to do to survive. Most of those friends of mine now are locked up or just got out and that's just the way it is. Some say it's no excuse, if you want to make it out you will....but I've never heard anyone say that that wasn't already out and happen to get lucky and somehow made it. So it's easy to sit back and say that when you already made it.

I'm a firm believer in you're a product of your environment. That's it unless you're a star athlete no one cares about those kids in hood. Easier said than done!!

So I root for those guys because they made something out of nothing, legal or illegal, who the fuck cares. You think these State Boys aren't doin something shady, or these FBI agents?? These politicians are crooked as hell. The governor before the current one in my state got in all sorts of trouble for his crooked shit. But somehow he's still rich and never did a day in prison.

Yes, There are good ones but there's more bad ones and if someone can get over on this hypocrisy then I say "good for them".