Originally Posted By: Beanshooter
PB you said,"Did he fool Mario? Did he fool Louie? Did he fool Nicky? Did he fool Angelo? Did he fool the guy who was babysitting Tore's crew at the time? Do you even know the guy who was babysitting Tore's crew at the time?

My point is, it wasn't just Greg who wasn't the same at that point. It was the fact that the crew that he worked with for twenty years wasn't there anymore (and like I said, the few guys who were kept him at arm's length)"

So how come in Garcia's case they took down Arnold Squittieri and Tony Megale from the sdministration along with 30 some odd guys? So much for arms length.

Did you miss the part of my post where I mentioned Tony in parentheses?

Because you didn't quote that part in your reply. Here it is:

Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
When Greg got out in 2003 NO ONE wanted anything to do with him outside of Craig and his friends. The other Bronx skippers and local soldiers kept him at arm's length from the day he came home. He was a laughingstock at the time. I do give him credit for getting himself back in action, but the guys who mattered never looked at him the same way again (except for Tony, but there were exigent circumstances there that I'm not going into here).

The Tony I was referring to was Tony Megale. And there WERE exigent circumstances there. Tony's a Fairfield guy, but he got off with Louie over here in Morris Park.

As far as Arnold, it was guilt by association through Tony. And he's not a Bronx guy anyway. I went to great lengths to point out that the BRONX CREW that Greg left behind kept him at arm's length when he came home. I even mentioned a few of the guys, and I probably shouldn't have. But I stand by that statement and my assertion.

And I'm no cop hater. I gave Garcia his due as an agent. When wiseguys die in prison I don't lose a wink of sleep. You kill people, you belong in fucking jail. Period. But the truth is, you're trying to tell me about a guy I knew from when I was 16 years old until the day he died a few years ago. He was a fucking shell when he got out because of what happened to Craig. And believe me, I hate going there. Which is why we'll continue this in a pm. So watch for the blinking light, buddy smile.

"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.