Another question PB, wasn't the reason that no one wanted anything to do with Greg when he got out after the Scores case was because his attempted hit on Nicky Lasorsa (a bronx guy and the one he sponsored for induction) that was supposedly not snctioned?
I think I mentioned a Nicky, didn't I?

Did he fool Mario? Did he fool Louie? Did he fool Nicky? Did he fool Angelo? Did he fool the guy who was babysitting Tore's crew at the time? Do you even know the guy who was babysitting Tore's crew at the time?
That was blown out of proportion by the media. No one was getting killed over a fucking table at Rao's. Greg was a talker. Don't get me wrong, he was a very dangerous guy. But he was a screamer, if you know what I mean

And Greg's isolation was due to the Scores case and the rats around his son Craig. People STILL resent him, and he's dead going on five years now.