LMAO at resting players the day game after a night game. Go put in a double shift on a construction site with the night crew, then try to turn down the day shift the next day

Not to mention that up until twenty years ago it wasn't unheard of to play doubleheaders on a Sunday afternoon after a Saturday night game. But don't get me started about the virtual elimination of doubleheaders

my father had to work 7-14's one summer so Yale could get there dorms done...almost killed him...
Mary I get what your saying and i did a lot of sleeping the summers i worked there, mainly because i was Little Bear's kid

but ive seen these guys work crazy shifts in terrible conditions. i remember working under the street in the tunnels and it was over 150 degrees. 15 mins in 5 mins out. god im glad my uncle got me an office job.
AC in the summer and heat in the winter...better than being on a ladder in january or a boiler room in july.
sooo lucky