Andy Garcia's family in the movie was based on the bonannos. In real life the Uva's robbed Gambino and Bonnano social clubs. We see Gravano in the movie list Gambino social clubs so the other family social clubs that were robbed had to be the Bonannos. In the trailer of the movie they say the list of made members that the characters steal is of the Bonnano family but in the movie its changed and the list is of some made up family name. Not sure if Andy Garcia's character was based off Joe Bonnano himself as they mention his son was part of his crime family (like Bonnano had involved his sons) and eventually gotten killed (maybe a reference to Don Corleone and Sonny?)
I understand all that. I was just making a joke. Because even though it was "fact based," it was 90 percent bullshit.
As far as Joe and Bill Bonanno, they were waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay out of the picture by 1992
