4 guys are you kidding do you honestly believe that??? Do you think these guys who were away for 21 years didn't make friends? These guys know that the plan to kill Crea came out when gas flipped so that alone is enough to get these guys suited up besides the fact that I know for sure most of these guys getting out and just released expect the possibility of the family clipping them because of the attention the drug indictments caused. There's plenty of made guys let alone associates that these guys can rally up. You got Zappola, Conti, Frankie bones, Jimmy Galione, Mario gallo, boobsie, big John, Tommy Red, Miley DeSantis just to name a few do you think that's it? I guess we will have to agree to dis-agree.

"He who never was can never be, He who was has always been and will always be." Sun Tzu

You can read about it, watch movies and TV documentaries, but chances are unless you lived it you will not truly understand.