They're everywhere! They're everywhere!""In April, Crystal Moore was fired in what she said was a decision driven by homophobia. Now the town of Latta, South Carolina, has voted to alter the structure of its government and hire her back as police chief, in the process weakening the powers of the mayor who put her on the chopping block." Well, let's not get carried away, Oli. And I'm not even familiar with the case. But people should be hired based on their ability. Period. Because you know what happens next, right?
Quotas for openly gay people. And that opens the door to people lying about their orientation on job applications to increase their chances.
Let them live their lives and go about their business. I'm all for that, and I've always supported their rights on this board. But we don't need anymore "victim" groups that benefit from Affirmative Action, especially if they're going to lie about it. And for the record, I've always been in favor of it to a certain degree
