1. Chicago pop is 2.7 million plus, not over million.
2. Whites make up 45% of pop and do have murders in their neighborhoods. Just not to the scale of West side / South side communities obviously.
3. The homicide rate isn't misleading just a reflection of the pop as whole. It's due to increase/decrease due to the number of murders & population shift. Example: Chicago homicide rate of 2012 was 18.5, while New Orleans was 53.2. Take the number of homicides and divide it from the pop then take that # and divide it from 100,000 and there's the rate. Alternate view will be to display it like this, if Chicago had the same rate as of New Orleans then the # of murders in the Chi would be over 1,300.
4. Cook, be more thoughtful in your comments. Are you really from Chicago ?